Saturday, March 26, 2016

Journey Service Project & Other News

We are wrapping up our Story Journey and will be making a Little Free Library to place in a park (TBA) to be enjoyed by our community. During our last meeting the girls made a sign to collect books to place in our library. We will be designing and painting the library during our April meeting. 
The April meeting has been changes to Monday, April 18th. I am sorry for the change. Please wear old clothing as we will be painting with non-washable paint.  I hope that our location will be secured by the May meeting so we can meet and install the library.  The May meeting will also be a recognition/award meeting so I would love for all families to attend! We will have refreshments to celebrate the last two years of Brownies!  

I would like to say that I have thoroughly enjoyed being a girl scout leader for the past four years.  Troop 469 will not continue after May. Due to redistricting again our girls are spread out over three schools and that will allow any girls desiring to continue scouts as a Junior to join their current school troop.  I will look at the remaining funds after we have built the library and donated a portion to a charity and will divide it up among the girls to use for future scouting.

Bookmark Fun!

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Making Games and Playing Fair

The Brownies earned two badges in November: Making Games and Playing Fair. It was a lot of fun!
Sorry that some pictures are upside down! 

Cookie Time 2016 Edition